Tuesday, April 03, 2007

To the guy in the white truck...

Today I was witness to major stupidity. I was on a local highway. Ahead of me was a piece of shit white truck adorned with NASCAR stickers, and flames painted on the sides. The driver decided that this was a great time to make call after call. This talented multi-tasker continually looked down as he dialed. The truck weaved left and right as he dialed, looked up, dialed, looked up... I decided to stay behind Einstein until my exit.

Now, I usually am not one to recommend more laws or regulations, but I really believe that cell phones and driving are a bad combo. I practically live in my car, it's my office, and I see lots of people do lots of crazy things behind the wheel. I've seen the aftermath of accidents...and they happen FAST. No one seems to accept this until it's too late.

Yes, I use my phone when I drive. However, my car is equipped with a hands-free blue tooth system. It is voice activated and plays through the car's stereo.

So, Mr. NASCAR Multi-tasker- HANG UP AND DRIVE!

The point is this: When you are behind the wheel, you are supposed to do one thing and one thing only; safely navigate and operate your vehicle within the parameters of the law and your abilities. Cell phones, LOUD stereos and too many other distractions interfere with that one thing...

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