When I was 16/17 one of my best friends, Walker had a Jeep Golden Eagle. It was the coolest thing! I don't remember him having a top for it. If he did, he never used it. He welded the speakers to the roll bar. On the hood was a stylized decal of an eagle. Very nice.

During the summer, we would pile in it and go camping. Rush or Springsteen would be blaring out of the speakers. Without the top, I can remember one trip that was severely frigid (even in the summer). We had socks on our hands and the heater all the way up.
So- now I long for my youth again. And I can remember as far back as those times that I wanted a Jeep. I have a massive pickup now--a beauty of a thing--but we only use it for trips to the storage unit or Home Depot. It could probably go anywhere, as long as it was in a straight line.
What I want now, and since a motorcycle and flying lessons have been vetoed by my wife (see picture below), is a Jeep. A newer, lifted, mean looking, great turning radius, youth inducing Jeep. I ain't picky.
Will it happen? Who knows. I'm betting not.

1 comment:
Seems to me that regret comes from what you DON'T do, the dreams you DON'T act on. So why not a Jeep? Why not you? Why not now? What are you waiting for?
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